- Directed by: Céline Sciamma
- reviews: Brittany, France, 1760. Marianne is commissioned to paint the wedding portrait of reluctant bride-to-be Héloïse under the guise of a hired companion. Observing Héloïse by day and discreetly interpreting her essence by night, their intimacy blossoms as the portrait progresses towards its inevitable completion
- genre: Romance, Drama
- France
- Duration: 2 Hour 2 min
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Portrait de la jeune fille en feu musique.
This film is a masterpiece. Your edit's amazing.
This is literally the best edit ive seen in my life. So beautiful and deep. Thank you. Those lines really break hearts...
Noémie, do you marrie me.
Une scène inoubliable. 🔥.
Some say there was no conflict. But what could be more conflicting than being so completely torn and helpless that not a single thought, no light turns on in one's head to ignite the notion of an escape? An escape to being content was impossible in their time and it played out as realistically as it should have. One has to live in their own torture. Then again, at the end, is it really torture?
Everything about this film is gorgeous; the language, the cinematography, the acting, their chemistry, the writing. And it was so refreshing to be disappointed in a good way. I say good because the movie is about resilience as well. The main characters in this are truly remarkable. This movie is near perfect.
I say near perfect because there was a single moment I wanted to see something more happen between them, if you catch my drift, but that more that I wanted turned out to be so much less than what the film actually gave from that time throughout the rest of the movie. It was an incredible experience, a wonderful feeling where I held my breath countless times. Especially that scene where Marianne looked at the withering flowers then went to the cave to ask Héloïse to forgive her. Jeez, the emotion. That part was PERFECT.
It's how we feel when we fall in love - we patiently hope that it's mutual, that it's building patiently. But inside, we are so impatient.
VOB (Video Object) is the container format in DVD-Video media.
Urgh this makes my heart cry so much! Cant wait to watch the movie! What a beautiful story.
Portrait de la jeune fille en euros.
Portrait de la jeune fille en feu du.
C'est qui.
Portrait de la jeune fille en feu (2019.
Oh non, pas elle.
If you view in 720p hd as everything is fine — looking x/f and enjoy.
Beautiful scenery, artistic photography but otherwise not interesting at all, sorry it was boring most of the rime. Some very cliche images like the baby in the scene the abortion or the mirror placed on a certain spot. in another scene. Embarrassing.
Watched enough interviews already I don't need to know what they're saying lmao.
Isso mesmo garota, concordo com tudo! So que não entendi nada kakakakaka adorei o seu novo filme.
This is such a beautiful edit.
Portrait de la jeune fille en feu translate.
Portrait de la jeune fille en feu paris.
I love this movie.
Thank you so much for the upload. Portrait de la jeune fille en feu sc�nario pdf. So you will be able Portrait de la jeune fille en feu to watch online on Android phone, ipad, iphone or any other mobile device. Portrait de la jeune fille en feu piano. I have watched the movie thrice. I didn't tear. I cried when I watch your edit. Portrait de la jeune fille en feud. Portrait de la jeune fille en feu review. Mais que les actrices sont stupides, tout l'art de parler pour rien dire, juste par perversion narcissique. Et dire qu'on nous donne ces gens en exemple de réussite et en model à suivre. les capitalistes du showbiz, qui prônent les valeurs du winner/looser. Ca joue les filles artistes, poetes et sensibles. alors qu'elles sont matérialistes, ne pensent qu'au fric et à la célébrité. Elles font toutes du cinéma, pour rentrer dans la bourgeoisie people et etre payées des fortunes à rien foutre, assistées par le showbiz toute leur vie. Elles se prennent pour des stars, alors que n'importe quelle cruche ramassé sur une plage, ou bimbo castée dans une boite de nuit, peut devenir une comédienne star, du jour au lendemain. Tout le monde peut devenir actrice/acteur, ce n'est pas un métier, un bizness commercial, une industrie capitaliste. Des vrais imposteurs les actrices/acteurs. ca joue les intéllos, alors que c'est justes des arrivistes et des parvenues, attirés par le monde people, le luxe, la vie facile, la frime et pour baiser des stars.
3:40 I love that look they give each other... It's like they say we did it. Qui c'est ce thomas. You have to get the TV screen for a bit or you want to watch Portrait de la jeune fille en feu. 1:53 2:22 2:55. 3:05 Delicious kisses. Adèle is such a treasure. J'ai l'impression qu'elle pleure au début, elle n'a vraiment pas l'air bien, elle détourne le regard et les questions sont 100% sur le cul alors que le film parle de bien d'autre choses... Portrait de la jeune fille en feu cannes.
Get Fast Streaming access to watch movie, with excellent audio/video quality and virus free. I love the answer Adele gives to the first question posed and the meaningful looks she and Celine give each other as in 'here, we go again. Anyway, this film is the best of 2019 in my opinion. Everyone working on it has been brilliant. Outstanding, really. Portrait de la jeune fille en feu soundtrack. Thank you lovely 🌹🌹🌹. It is extraordinary Helène moves her mouth in exactly the same way as Céline Sciamma Shame. Je me retrouve dans son physique, son humour, son malaise et sa facon de s'exprimer, sa naiveté, sa colère, spontanéité, force, fragilité. On parle tellement de représentation. Adèle Haenel me fait du bien parce que j'ai l'impression d'être représenté et d'avoir le droit de réfléchir ET de m'accepter.
Adèle is so cute.
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